Red Cell
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application Empty application

Post  abokin Sun May 10, 2009 2:38 pm

# SS2 name: rebtex
# Age:13
# Class:purist
# Level:15
# Upgrades: FI lvl 54 Psionic sensitivity lvl 5 Regain lvl 1
# Former Faction:The White Dragon
# Why you want to leave your Faction: ive been trying to build it up but i guess i just dont have the right skills to lead a faction
# Timezone you live in:MST time zone
# Your active playtime:12-10
# Why you want to join:because i was invited by nestor and it looks like a great guild
# What you expect from Red Cell:i expect it to be a fun friendly environment
# What you think Red Cell expects from you: to level and be active regularly
# Who you are (in RL), giving a bit of background: i live in in a small town and im kind of an athlete/nerd i play lots of online games and like to make friends


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application Empty Re: application

Post  rebtex Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:46 am

This guy used to be in my old faction. I wonder why he used my name. This is creeping me out.

Character sheet
Health: 10
application Left_bar_bleue10/10application Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)

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